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How to run only one unit test using ant
Hybris 6 - Since Hybris 4.4
Suppose you want to run the tests in the package de.coreservices.strategies.impl. Then your tests must have one of the annotations @UnitTest, @IntegrationTest, @DemoTest, @PerformanceTest or @ManualTest and you can type:
ant all alltests -Dtestclasses.packages=de.coreservices.strategies.impl.*
This will run tests in the folder testsrc of your extension. If you want to run the tests of the folder web/testsrc, you must use:
ant all allwebtests -Dtestclasses.packages=de.coreservices.web.converters.impl.*
All test in an extension
ant unittests -Dtestclasses.extensions=myext
Before SAP Hybris 5.3
This way of starting the tests ist deprecated and in Hybris 5.3 the ant target was removed. Please read:
Testing in the hybris Multichannel Suite
ant clean all yunit
With the parameter test you can choose a test to run. Unfortunately you cannot run two or more tests.
–Based on SAP Hybris 6.4, 5.7, 4.8.14
ant unittests -Dtestclasses.extensions=myext
Thanks Bogdan!