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How to mock a setter of a model
When you are building a unit test you may need to assert the value given to a setter. By default all the setters of a mock object (with Mockito) do nothing.
Required Steps
- Define your mock model as a field of your test class
- Define a field in your test class to hold the value that you want to assert
- Mock the setter to save the parameter in your field.
- Assert the value
Example Code
The above steps are marked in the source code as comments.
@UnitTest public class KeywordFillingJobTest { @InjectMocks private KeywordFillingJob keywordFillingJob = new KeywordFillingJob(); //Class to test. (...) @Mock private ArtikellisteModel artikelliste; // #1 Mock Model private String lastKeywords = null; // #2 Field to save the value sent as parameter to the mock model. @Test public void articleListWithCategories() { PerformResult result = this.keywordFillingJob.perform(conjobModel); Assert.assertEquals("The cronjob must be successful", CronJobResult.SUCCESS, result.getResult()); Assert.assertEquals("The cronjob must be finished", CronJobStatus.FINISHED, result.getStatus()); Assert.assertEquals("The generated keywords are wrong", EXPECTED_KEYWORDS, this.lastKeywords); // #4 Assert the value. Mockito.verify(this.modelService, Mockito.times(1)).save(this.artikelliste); } @Before public void setUp() { MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this); // The mock model is created at this point. (...) Mockito.when(artikelliste.getName()).thenReturn("XYZ"); Mockito.doAnswer(new Answer<Void>() { @Override public Void answer(final InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable { lastKeywords = (String) invocation.getArguments()[0]; return null; } }).when(artikelliste).setStichwoerter(Mockito.anyString()); //#3 Mock the setter to save the parameter in your field. } }
Alternative: usage of capture arguments
–Based on Hybris 4.8.12