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About Antonio Robirosa and his website
The motivation behind this website
After spending hours, you still don't know what is wrong. It may be a difficult to debug error or your eCommerce framework isn't doing what you expect. In times like these you need to take distance of the problem and review the facts and your knowledge of the tools.
For the moments eCommerce Candles was written. With structured documentation about the main concepts of the eCommerce frameworks, examples of its limitations and tips coming form the everyday use you will save time and effort solving those hard to find bugs.
eCommerce Candles aims to provide open documentation which complements the one provided by the company behind the framework and to document about good practices to improve the quality of the eCommerce solutions which we provide to our customers. eCommerce Candles is for developers written by developers.
About the author Antonio Robirosa
Since 2010 I work as an developer with the Hybris SAP eCommerce platform building B2C and B2B shops. I choose this profession because I like to solve problems, to understand the business needs and provide a valuable solution. During the years I come across the same issues with the eCommerce tools which I used. First I started writing my own notes, then I wrote articles to help my workmates understand easily and fast the main concepts of an extension. Afterwards I decide to take a step forward and put the content online to help other developers in this business to improve the quality of their code and develop faster.
If you want to learn more about me you can check my profiles:
Mein Profil in Gulp (in German)
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