Table of Contents

Structured documentation and advice about SAP Hybris


Backoffice Framework
Hybris' CMS and Personalization - WCMS
Cockpit Frameworks
Development Process
Frontend technologies
ImpEx, Web Services and Flexible Search: Import and export Data
Promotion rules engine
Search and Navigation
Testing the code in SAP Hybris
Scheduling: Cronjobs and tasks
Useful tips about databases


SAP Hybris' persistence mechanism
Automatically generated javaBeans and enumerations, the new DataObjects
Good Practices, Pitfalls and Limitations of the SAP Hybris eCommerce Platform
Use of a Rapid Application Development framework for the backend replacing SAP Hybris
Is custom code required? Initial areas to look at
Medias: Useful tips
Hourly rates, project portals and recruiters for freelance SAP Commerce Cloud developers targeting the German, Swiss and Austrian markets
Useful links