====== SAP Hybris freelance developer search ====== Please enter here some details of your SAP Hybris project and I will find out if me or any of the SAP Hybris freelance developers which I know are available for your project.
Action mail ecc_wiki_dev_search_form@go.arobirosa.com Thanks "Thanks for your inquiry. I will send you a response in the next day." Fieldset "SAP Hybris freelance developer search form" yesno "Is or will be the SAP Hybris used in the project? (also called SAP Commerce, SAP CX and Customer Experience)" radio "Where is project located?" "Germany|Austria|Switzerland|Other country" radio "How many days on-site after the second month?" "5-days a week|3-days on-site and 2 remote|one week on site and one week remote|one week on-site per month|remote after the first month|it has to be negociated with the customer|other" date "When does the project start? (leave empty for ASAP)" ! textbox "Your name" email "E-Mail" textbox "Phone (optional)" ! textarea "Your message (optional)" ! wiki "You agree that we will save your personal information to contact you **to ask you for more details about this project** and delete it afterwards. Please check our Privacy Policy for the description of your rights" textbox "You need to write 'agree' here" /^agree$/ submit "Search"