====== Commerce Search - Key Concepts and Features ====== It is an cockpit which allows marketing departments and content manager (non-technical users) to manage **boosting rules for cross- and upselling products in the search.** ===== Key Concepts ====== * **Hero Products:** They appear always at the top of a search * Based on the **commercesearch** and **commercesearchbackoffice** extensions * It associates a product with a **SolrHeroProductDefinition**. And **the search query is modified on run-time** to increase the score of the hero products. * Provides the **HeroProductDefinitionDAO** and **HeroProductDefinitionFacade** * **SolrSearchProfiles** manage the boost rules for one or for any category which doesn't have any configured profile in its category path. * They also allow the reconfiguration of facets. What is the goal of the reconfiguration? ===== Key Features ====== * Commerce Search **Cockpit** * **But the configuration of the boosting rules is done in HMC** * **Dynamic** scoring of products * The boosting rules are applied to all the solr queries. ===== Useful tips ===== ==== Get the complete solr query ==== If you need to troubleshoot solr at a deep level like understanding the product boosting or escalation, you need to get the solr query and use it directly in the solr console. To see that query in the console, please use the following logging configuration: log4j2.logger.DefaultFacetSearchStrategy.name = de.hybris.platform.solrfacetsearch.search.impl.DefaultFacetSearchStrategy log4j2.logger.DefaultFacetSearchStrategy.level = DEBUG log4j2.logger.DefaultFacetSearchStrategy.appenderRef.stdout.ref = STDOUT log4j2.logger.DefaultFacetSearchStrategy.additivity = false [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67520279/which-package-should-i-enable-to-log-the-solr-query-in-the-tomcat-logs-or-the-co|You can also add the solrQueryDebuggingListener in the SolrFacetSearchConfig.]] You will find the field in the administration tab: {{ :sap_hybris_commerce:search:solrquerydebugginglistener_2023-03-09_14-46-25.jpg?nolink |}} ===== Hybris documentation ====== There isn't much documentation and it is incomplete. Here is the starting page. [[https://wiki.hybris.com/display/release5/Commerce+Search+Module|Commerce Search Module of Hybris 5.x]] --Based on Hybris 2105.10