====== Commerce Facades - Key Concepts and Features ===== The **commercefacades** extension exposes a group of facades which simplify the communication between the store frontend and the service layer. This is a summary which I wrote while studying for the certification. The Hybris Documentation about commercefacades has one page and it is worth reading. ===== Key Concepts ====== * The facades return **data objects** which are completely separated from the models. They can be extend using the file ***-beans.xml.** * Each method fulfills a **business action.** * The **conversion between models and data objects** is done by the converters and populators. * A **converter** may create the target object and contains a list of populators. * A **populator** fills in some fields (or calculates using services) of the data object to be used in the front-end. * Populators must be independent and must have a clear goal, so they can be easily reused. * Both are injected using Spring. The new constructor must be avoid. * Data objects are instanced using a Spring bean with the prototype scope which is defined in **beans.xml**. * All the converters are an instance of AbstractConverter or **AbstractPopulatingConverter** * **ConfigurablePopulators** may implement different conversion rules based on a set of enums. * First the converter creates a data object using all the populators which fill the mandatory fields. * Then a configurable populator fills the fields which are only required by some components/pages of the front-end. It has a Map. * [[https://help.sap.com/viewer/9d346683b0084da2938be8a285c0c27a/|A class diagram can be found here]] ===== Key Features ====== * There are facades for: * Cart * Order * Checkout * Product (including reviews) * Search * StoreSession (languages and currencies) * User * StoreLocator * The extension can be **easily extended**. * Adding facades * New implementation of a facade interface (replacing or adding methods) * New converters or populators * Adding or replacing populators * Extending or new data objects * yacceleratorfacades is an example of an extension which extends the facades. * Out-of-the-box converters and populators: [[https://help.sap.com/viewer/9d346683b0084da2938be8a285c0c27a/|commercefacades Extension - Technical Guide]] * The **URLResolver** must be implemented to provide relative URLs for the business objects. Hybris comes with URL resolvers for products, categories and search using facets. ===== Workflow ====== The interaction of the controllers, facades, services, DAOs, models and data objects is explained in the this diagram: [[https://wiki.hybris.com/download/attachments/289441083/Simple%20Request%20Interaction%20Diagram.jpg?version=1&modificationDate=1444256224000&api=v|Simple Request Interaction Diagram.jpg]] **In the B2C Accelerator the converters and the populators are never used to convert from a DTO to a model.** But they could be used. --Based on Hybris 6.3